Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Two For Tuesday

Light rain all day today but there are new geocaches so...

The sacrifice (New York)
Monsey Glen County Park. It's in Monsey, only a few miles from home. I think the cache may be rated a tad too high in both difficulty and terrain but that's okay. After a short walk on a leaf-covered trail, I got to the area with the caves and large rocks. Actually, the caves are more like large crevices so the Muncee Indians would have to have been rather short folks to get into those.

Pop-Pop's Birthday Cache (New Jersey)
Saddle River County Park in Saddle Brook. Bad traffic on Route 17 on the way there. It's ironic that the Route 4/17 flyover is as jammed up these days as the original intersection was. I'm guessing that the proper parking for this geocache is further Northwest along the road. I parked at the church parking lot and bushwhacked about 300 feet to the cache so that was very quick.

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