Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox


Sunny but cold today. Didn't go too far because of possible problems with traffic. But still, that was a good 50 miles away! 3 locations, 3 challenges. The first was difficult all by itself but the snow didn't make it more difficult. The second was hard to find because it was under snow. The third was hard to get to because of having to wade across the icy stream. Still finished in a reasonable amount of time so it was a good day out.

CERTAIN (New Jersey)
Nash Park in Chatham. In the woods behind the basketball court and the ponds. Saw a deer skull with one antler that other geocachers have left on the stone structure. Had to look carefully for this micro cache as it was hard to see.

Fridge Magnet Madness (New Jersey)
Loantaka Forest in Green Village. Easy walk on a paved, but icy, bike path. This cache was hard to find because everything there was covered in snow. Ordinarily, I think it would be easier.

Watchung Falls (New Jersey)
Near the Watchung Falls in Watchung. Just across from the police and court building. Toughest part was fording the ice-cold stream. Brr. But easy to find it after I got across.

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