Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Borrowed from kiltern:
My car has two hubcaps missing. Where are they?

asked the Magic Magic Cactus:

Where are the two missing hubcaps?

the Cactus said to me;

That's up to you. I'm feeling a little cynical.

here to ask the cactus a question]

Borrowed from jess_k:
AOL Presidential Match

1 Bush Score: 100%

Party: Republican
Has Held Elected Office: Yes
Served in the Military: Yes

2 Lieberman Score: 99%

Party: Democrat
Has Held Elected Office: Yes
Served in the Military: No

3 Kerry Score: 94%

Party: Democrat
Has Held Elected Office: Yes
Served in the Military: Yes

4 Edwards Score: 80%

Party: Democrat
Has Held Elected Office: Yes
Served in the Military: No

5 Clark Score: 79%

Party: Democrat
Has Held Elected Office: No
Served in the Military: Yes

6 Dean Score: 74%

Party: Democrat
Has Held Elected Office: Yes
Served in the Military: No

7 Sharpton Score: 69%

Party: Democrat
Has Held Elected Office: No
Served in the Military: No

8 Kucinich Score: 68%

Party: Democrat
Has Held Elected Office: Yes
Served in the Military: No

The quiz scales the percentages so that the one you agree with the most is 100% so they aren't all that meaningful.

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