Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

The Paypal Scam

From badspam: Wicked PayPal scam

Evan Williams, co-founder and CEO of Pyra (, nearly got duped by a Paypal scam. Of course, there are some telltale signs that it's a scam email if you take the time to look for them. But these scams are getting good enough to fool even some of those who are net-savvy.

There was a bad accident on the Garden State Parkway this evening. It was a 3-car pileup and the middle car was quite scrunched up.

Got a half pound of micro-anchovies at the Chinese supermarket. These are pretty good when they are microwaved to a crisp.

Servant Salamander produced this error popup today:

MessageBox saying Error Reading File and The operation completed successfully

Weird, huh?

Actually, that could happen if you lose the error code, e.g. by calling another system function before checking errno or GetLastError().

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