Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

live personages

It finally stopped raining but then this scary object that's too bright to look at appeared in the sky. Make it go away!

Went to the library this evening to read some magazines. I noticed that the police activity stats for March 2004 were posted in the hallway so I took a look. There were 23 auto accidents! That's more than I would expect for this town but my guess is many of those happened when it snowed last month. I saw two accidents myself and both were on the same road so that number is certainly plausible. There were no burglaries but 4 larcenies. Uh oh, there goes the neighborhood. :) Also listed were 3 cases each of false fire and break-in alarms.

Received approval for Google AdSense today. So I should put the banners up soon.

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