Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Princeton, not your average party town

Since digeri was in New Jersey for business and had an evening free, we agreed to meet for dinner and so I drove down after work to the hotel in Princeton where he was staying. I got there quite a bit earlier than expected because the rush hour traffic wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. So I waited a very short time in the hotel lobby and then digeri got there. Then we went a bit further South on US-1 for dinner. I knew there's a Malaysian restaurant (Penang, that restaurant chain with a smattering of locations around NJ, NYC and Philly) somewhere along Nassau Park Blvd but didn't know exactly where it is. So we went a bit too far on that road, turned around at a residential area, came back, saw the small sign and found it. For future reference, it is in the same quad as the Sam's Club and across Nassau Park Blvd from the Wegman's.

As it's a weekday, the restaurant wasn't very busy. We had the roti telur as an appetizer. It's a kind of pancake stuffed with egg and onions, and served with curry on the side for dipping. Then for the entrees, we had the seafood chow fun (broad rice noodles in sauce) and the char kuay teow. (fried noodles) And for dessert we had the ais kacang (ice shavings with two kinds of syrup and nuts and jelly and stuff underneath) and the chendol. (ice shavings with syrup and coconut milk and green noodles)

The desserts

Dessert: Chendol on the left and ais kacang on the right.

After that, we went to the Quaker Bridge Mall, which is just a bit South on US-1 and across. We arrived just 17 minutes before closing time so there wasn't much time to shop but we did manage to take a quick look at the Disney Store and then we speedwalked to the other end of the mall and back, stopping to take a look at the chair that takes money and the Suzuki vehicles on display. I don't see too many Suzuki cars and SUVs around so all this while, I thought they only made motorcycles. Anyway, according to the information sheet, the Suzuki XL7 gets only 17 mpg in the city. Given the way gas prices have been increasing lately, that has to elicit an Egads!

Chair accepts $1, $5, $10 & $20 bills

A sign saying that the chair takes money! Actually, it's one of those vibrating massage chairs but I have to wonder who would put $20 into the bill acceptor and sit there for one hour.

Did you ever have trouble figuring out which way to drive out when you leave a mall? There should be a word for that and so I coined the term "dismallrientation", as a joke. They really should have more signs around the circular mall drive. There was only one sign and it said "Exit East Only" and what that meant was anybody's guess. I took a stab at the turn and got us back out to US-1 Northbound and back to digeri's hotel.

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