Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Geo Jamboree 2

Went to Geo Jamboree 2 in Southbury, Connecticut today. Had a great time. Met a lot of geocachers, many of whom I haven't seen since the last Geo Jamboree. And of course the group cache hunts, especially the one that ended up being a group of about a dozen people, were fun. The livejournal community was represented by myself, fosterbass, thomasj, cowbert, jbadger and mopar, ironically making this event better-attended than every North Jersey livejournal meetup so far. :)

Anyway, the list of caches:

Before the event: At the event: After the event: These two were roadside caches and could therefore be done at night. Well, okay 30*32*22 was not quite roadside but close enough.

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