Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Pictures from the Weekend

Something I forgot to mention: Sunday evening, I went to the bathroom at the Long John Silver's in Patchogue. Then a wasp fell out of my pants. Egads! It would have been a bad place to get stung so luckily, I didn't get stung, although I have to wonder how it got there in the first place.

A mixed bag of pictures this time around. I like the Staten Island shots, but the seal in Copiague is neat too.

Salem County, NJ

One of the beaches along the Delaware River. This one is in Pennsville.

Another beach along the Delaware River. This one is near Fort Elfsborg.

Staten Island

There is a pole sticking out of the sand near the Southern tip of Staten Island. This is at the top of the pole. Okay, so South is that way. Why?

Full shot of the South Pole.

Beach on Staten Island. This is at the Conference House Park.

Looking at New Jersey from Staten Island.

A horseshoe crab meets an untimely demise. What a way to go.

Conference House Park pavillion.

Long Island

One of Brooklyn's streets.

Seal sculpture. This is at a memorial park in Copiague.

Car in the woods at Peconic Bog County Park in Riverhead. Do you suppose someone ran it off the road one time and just left it there, and then the whole place was taken over by the county and turned into a park?

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