Then I went to Sears at Paramus Park to return the Craftsman lantern replacement bulb, since that wasn't the problem. Then I bought the million-candlepower flashlight. Did that in two transactions in order to optimize for Where's George.
Anyway, I was waiting for the cashier, who evidently was having a very frustrating time. A customer had brought in a flyer that came with his Sears credit card. The flyer described the 10% discount that he would get on the first use of the credit card. I had the Sears credit card at one time and as I recall, the 10% discount showed up on the credit card statement later. Unfortunately, this put the cashier in a bad position because he had to explain to the customer, who didn't seem to be very understanding, that the discount is not meant to be taken at the register.
So it just wasn't the cashier's day. (or evening, rather) But I do appreciate that he stopped 'splaining to that customer for a minute to ring up my purchase. A simple gesture but that got me out of the store a lot faster.
Since I was in the mall already, I went to the mall food court. I used one of the mall coupons, of course, because it is worth carrying a glossy piece of paper for a few hundred feet to save 50 cents. Funny thing is when I used the coupon, the ladies at Master Wok asked me where the coupon came from. I was dumbfounded. The mall information desk is just below the food court. There is always a stack of coupons at the mall information desk. Since they work there, they have been going to the mall a lot more than I and must have seen the mall information desk hundreds of times. And I would guess that I'm not the only person using these coupons. So how could they not know that the coupons are freely available in the mall itself?