Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Hackensack Bushwhack

Just went out for a few caches today because it was cold outside and I had other stuff to deal with.

The Borg Cache (New Jersey)
Borg Woods Preserve in Hackensack. Because resistance is futile.

The Bridge That Saved A Nation (New Jersey)
This is at the historic New Bridge Landing in River Edge. The bridge was used in Washington's 1776 Retreat. Extremely tiny cache for the first stage that just happened to be where I put my hand after I rechecked the info. So anyone can get lucky.

30 Minute Perk (New Jersey)
Allison Park in Englewood Cliffs. Very, very close to the gas station on the Palisades Parkway.

Had to run some errands locally after that. One thing I found during my break, which I was not aware of because I'm usually working at this time, is that Park Ridge is very, very busy at 3pm on a weekday. Could be that everyone else took the day off too just to go around town. Went to the Staples in Park Ridge and discovered that they now carry remanufactured toner cartridges for my printer. On the one hand, I'm glad because those cartridges are cheaper than new ones. On the other hand, you know your printer is old when they come out with remanufactured cartridges for it. :)

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