Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

International Stone House of Pancakes

House of Mystery Looking out the window
House of Mystery Looking out the window

Recycling day today so it was time to take the old newspapers out to the recycling center in town. Since there are some clothing donation bins there too, I decided to dig through my clothes to see if there is anything I could donate. As I was doing so, I came across a ream of paper. What the paper was doing with the clothes, I have no idea. This seems to be a bit of a trend. Back when I was picking through the plush toys looking for toys to donate, I found the light table. Today, when I was going through the clothes, I found the paper. Hmm... I wonder what else I should donate in order to find more stuff I lost. Anyway, I think this is good. Frees up some space at home and the stuff I give away may be of use to someone else. Keep donating stuff and eventually, I hope to have nothing left. (Well, okay, let's not go to that extreme!)

Anyway, I went for the Lenape Lookout geocache in the afternoon. It's in the South Mountain Reservation in West Orange. I was somewhat familiar with the location because I've been there for another cache quite some time back. The difference is the last time I went there, I climbed from the bottom of the ridge instead of following the Lenape Trail across the top of the ridge. Anyway, the cache turned out to be near the stone building pictured above.

Won $48 million$2 in MegaMillions. Cashed it at the supermarket this evening.

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