Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Dreyfus, the dusty lion

Lion plush toy Lion plush toy

Dreyfus Financial Center, Paramus, NJ.

The lion plush toy (pictured above) has been a fixture at the Dreyfus Financial Center in a strip mall in Paramus for as long as I can remember. Until I got the tripod though, I was never able to take a decent picture of it because the camera flash would bounce off the glass door. (Of course their office was never open when I was there so I could only shoot the photo from the outside.) Now that I have the mini tripod, I set it up by the door and took the photo with the camera in light gather mode.

Demonstrating typically obsessive behavior, I took some pictures of storefronts when I went out today, and then posted them to Amazon yellow pages. (example) In a way, that's neat, because when people look up the business in the yellow pages, they can see what the store looks like. However, I think I should stick to non-chain stores. It's pointless posting a picture of a major chain store because every Staples and every Home Depot look pretty much the same. (except for the Home Depot in Manhattan, which is special and has a doorman/concierge)

At the local CVS store, I was informed by the cashier that Extrabucks cannot be used on milk. That struck me as rather odd since you can earn Extrabucks on milk. So why can't you use them on milk? Anyway, I sent CVS a question about this through their contact form. Hopefully someone will clear this up and provide a list of items for which Extrabucks cannot be used.

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