Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Monday Miscellany

The car didn't have a high idle problem since last Wednesday, but the problem resurfaced this afternoon. Once again, the engine was between 2,000 and 2,500 RPM just after I turned it on. And once again, the problem went away when I started driving. It didn't happen again for the remainder of the day.

Went out to CompUSA this evening to partake in some free-after-rebate items. As usual, the good stuff was gone, so I didn't get any of those items. I did, however, find something else that was on sale and on rebate: a cigarette lighter power adapter for the laptop. That's great because I've been looking for one of those and they've always been too expensive for something that I'll use maybe 3 or 4 times a year.

I also took a look at the Crate And Barrel, since I've never been in there. They don't seem to sell crates or barrels. How disappointing. :)

From the geocaching forums: Gay marriage? :) Well, not quite. Apparently, there's a cache somewhere in Texas containing a bridal veil.

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