Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Only Child

Oil change this evening. Mileage is 206,938.

From this thread at Joel on Software:

From Offshore to Ship-to-Shore

Nasty implications aside, it's actually quite innovative. The labor cost advantages of offshoring without the problems of time zones and distance.

This entry was inspired by someone at work today who claimed that he never met anyone who was an only child who liked being an only child. So...

Poll #469784 Only Child

Did you like being an only child?

I was not an only child

I was an only child. I'd have to say I liked that because I didn't have to share anything with brothers or sisters. Loneliness wasn't a serious problem. Then, as I do now, I found lots of interesting things to do.

  • (no subject)

    Screenshot from 43 Things: It's a time paradox. :)

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  • (no subject)

    Screenshot from 43 Things: It's a time paradox. :)

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