Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

The Last Resort

Went out this evening to seek the Last Resort geocache. It's in the Fairfield Recreational Area, which isn't hard to get to, aside from the two traffic delays I encountered along the way. Got to the park and started down the paved path, and ran into the head slave of Tiffany's Slaves, (Tiffany is a dog and so the rest of the family is "Tiffany's Slaves.") who was coming in from the other direction. So we searched for the cache together. It was located in a field of nasty thorns, but we found it without getting scratched too much. Thank goodness.

One principle I try to live by is to get at least one thing done every day. And no, it can't be something trivial like brushing your teeth or falling out of bed. It has to be something from the to-do list. I figure that in a year's time, I'd have done 365 worthwhile things and that'd be a boatload of accomplishment.

So it's bad that it's nearly 2am, and I'm just starting on what I planned to do this evening. Oh well, there were other things that weren't on the list that had to be gotten out of the way.

One of the things that needed to be done this evening was I had to give my parents a call. I knew that the recent earthquake wouldn't be that bad, but I figured I should check anyway. It turns out that, as usual, they didn't know about the earthquake until they read about it in the newspaper the next day. Only the very tallest buildings had to be evacuated as a precautionary measure.

The other thing I needed to do was a property search. Not entirely successful because the county property records, or at least the records online, are incomplete.

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