Then I went to Stockholm, Hamburg, Warwick, and Florida. You might think I'm absofrickenly insane, but... okay, the joke's not going anywhere. All of those are names of towns in Sussex and Orange Counties.
While going through Franklin (the town, not the turtle), I saw a man who looked just like Onslow. (of Keeping Up Appearances) So I waved to him. He probably gets that a lot. Also, just a few days ago, I saw someone who looked a lot like
Sweet Caporal (New Jersey )
Butler Reservoir in Butler.
Wallkill Beanie Cache (New Jersey)
State park land in Hamburg.
Rock Hound Earthcache (New Jersey )
Franklin Mineral Museum in Franklin.
A WTC Memorial in Sussex County (New Jersey)
Sterling Hill Mining Museum in Ogdensburg.
"The Elephant's Trunk" (New Jersey )
Appalachian Trail access in Vernon.
Exploring Double-Pond II (New Jersey)
Wawayanda State Park in Highland Lakes.
Wildlife refuge in Goshen, near the oddly-named 6 1/2 Station Road.
homerun cache (New York)
Sparrow Bush Memorial Park in Sparrow Bush.
El Cheapo Grande #4 (New Jersey )
High Point State Park in Montague.
W.O.P. (New Jersey)
Wildlife Observation Platform at the Whittingham WMA in Newton.