Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

But I don't even use it for gloves!

Okay, there had to be a problem sooner or later. Oh well. Anyway, the latch on the glove compartment failed so the glove compartment could no longer be closed. Went to the service department to get that repaired. Turns out they had to order a new lock, so they couldn't do it yet. So the service guy said they'll bring my car around to the front. No sign of it. The service guy checked again and said that they'll bring it around. Still no sign of it.

So I took a walk out around the building, found my car, hopped in, and drove off. The key was there with it. Now, wait a minute... if I could do that, couldn't anyone just walk in off the street and help himself to a car from the lot? Folks, your security ain't so hot.

We've been enjoying some falling gas prices of late. However, there's trouble on the horizon. It seems that the production gap caused by hurricane damage was being partly covered by importing 2 million barrels of oil (both crude and refined) a day from Europe's strategic reserve. They recently stopped sending oil over, so unless we find another supplier or speed up recovery of production facilities in the Gulf Coast, we may see gas prices rising again towards the holiday season. Ugh.

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