Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

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Snow Day

Yes, it snowed today. Started snowing before I got up and by the end of the day, the total snowfall was about 6 to 7 inches, or at least that's how much I think I had to brush off my car throughout the day.

snow scene

Unfortunately, I took the picture a bit late in the day so it is dark.

No serious problem driving to and from work today. Just had to do that really slowly. All the same, I hope it doesn't snow like this next Thursday because that's when I'll be traveling to Philcon. Going down the Turnpike at 15mph will take hours.

As usual, we can find helpful hints in the Where's George forums, such as What not to do when driving in snow, contributed by E=Mc2. He actually saw that last one? Boggles the mind! :)

Speaking of Where's George, George takes a trip to Nova Scotia!


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