I went to Palisades Center this evening for the usual reasons. I couldn't believe how packed it was. All four levels of the parking garage were completely full and people were driving around looking for parking spaces. So I just went all the way to the top and parked near the Target entrance.
The zipper on my woolly overcoat broke. Oh well. Time to get rid of it anyway because it is full of loose threads from catching on thorns every time I walk around in the woods.
From fridayfiver:
1. When is the last time you rode the bus?
Probably the last time I went into Manhattan. Or perhaps the time before that because the last time I was there, I took a cab to go around Central Park back to where I parked.
2. Describe the last time you stood up for a cause:
No. Thus far, I've been sitting down for most causes.
3. Have you visited Alabama?
I don't think I've been there.
4. Have you ever attended a rally?
No. Has there ever been a "reduce government spending" rally?
5. Have you ever been arrested?
No. I think it was pretty obvious that I didn't look anything like Oscar Riviera, international criminal mastermind. He's shorter, thinner, and launders a lot more money.