Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Lunacon Day 2

Went to the Artificial Intelligence panel first thing in the morning. It was mostly a Powerpoint presentation on natural language processing, but the panelist did demo a piece of AI software on his notebook computer midway through the panel.

Then I went to see what they had in the con suite. They actually had breakfast: lots and lots of baked goods. The funny thing is they were overflowing with food because donations of leftovers from the previous night's room parties kept coming in. After that, I went back downstairs to the lobby to watch the Samurai Strip Poker, which got a little wild.

Then the blogging panel finally happened. One of the panelists actually blogged during the blogging panel.

After that, I was pretty much done with the con, so I went to find the Rook in the Reeds geocache at Liberty State Park in Jersey City. It's near the miniature castle in the swamp, probably one of the weirder items in this state. And finally, I went back to Baja Fresh for fish tacos.

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