Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

You Connect, I Cut

No events or meets planned for today, so I went to Connecticut after making a quick stop in Westchester to pick up a near-the-highway cache. It was cloudy and windy the whole day and it even rained a little. Even so, it was a good day for running into other geocachers. I met Samdad at one location and H2"O" at another.

After that, I had dinner at the Duchess in Darien, making a fine alliteration: Darien Duchess dinner. :) I had the haddock. One problem I have with this location is the difficulty in crossing US-1 without a traffic light. If I attempted this at any time other than a weekend evening, it would take so long to cross that I'd probably cause a backup out on I-95.

Got home and discovered that my Instiki setup wasn't working. I think something in Ruby 1.8.4 broke it. So I went to the Instiki website to download the latest version. For a piece of software that bills itself as "download and run", the upgrade process from Instiki 0.10 to Instiki 0.11 sure is tricky and poorly documented. Most of the complication is due to a switch from Madeleine to a SQL-based backend. (It now uses SQLite, although it also seems to support MySQL.) So in addition to installing the new version of Instiki, I also had to migrate the data. After a while, I figured out exactly which files to customize and then I worked through the steps. Unfortunately, at the end of it all, I still could not see my Instiki pages. After playing with it for a bit, I discovered that in order to make Instiki see the migrated data, I had to edit the home page and then save. Looks like a glitch to me.

Express Cache Series # 1 (New York )
Near I-287 in Elmsford.

Cousin's Cache (Connecticut)
Waveny Park in New Canaan.

Get Lost, Gnome! (Connecticut )
Bradley Park in Wilton.

Who was Roger Ludlow? (Connecticut)
Traffic circle with Roger Ludlow monument in Norwalk.

Lost at Sea (Connecticut )
Calf Pasture Park in Norwalk.

Taylor Farm Mini (Connecticut)
Taylor Farm in Norwalk.

8 Hours of Searching. The 12 Days of Cachemas (Connecticut )
Sherwood Island in Westport.

Evil L'il Nano (Connecticut)
Park and Ride in Westport.

90 Acres That Isn't (Connecticut )
90 Acres Park in Bridgeport.

Fayerweather Island (Micro) (Connecticut )
Seaside Park in Bridgeport. Interesting walk on a stone levee to the island.


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