Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Monday Miscellany

From the Small Change Department: I received notice of a settlement in the Bristol-Myers Squibb class action lawsuit. I can get an estimated 15 cents. I don't think it's worth filing the claim form for this one.

From the RTFM Department: By chance, I discovered that pushing either the up or down button and mode button at the same time on the car radio initiates the radio station scan. I should really RTFM. :)

Kids Expo photos from grizz593's collection. I didn't take any pictures myself because I was in fursuit the whole time, so I'm glad some of the helpers did.

Did the Smoked Whitefish 3 geocache today. It's at Foxwood (no, not the casino!) Pond Park in Suffern. Pretty easy and I got it during a break in the rain today.

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