Ran into dhenninger at the 2nd cache and that proved to be fortuitous as he was the one who found it. The cache was quite a bit off from where our GPSes pointed and the hint was incorrectly worded.
Between the 2nd and 3rd caches, I made a wrong turn. I have no idea why I did that as I'd already figured out the route to the next location. So then I was going 90 degrees in the wrong direction but still thinking that maybe this route could work too, even if it is quite a bit longer. After some time, I realized that I was actually heading directly to "Mate in One - J'Adoube". This cache has been giving some geocachers lots of trouble, so I thought I'd try my hand at it since I was going that way. I went there and found it rather quickly. Huh? Anyway, I was FTF on that one.
With J'Adoube, I then had all 4 parts of the puzzle. So I went home to get something to eat and to work out the puzzle on computer. (No computer needed actually, but it's convenient to use an online chessboard.) Solved the puzzle and computed the coordinates to "Mate in One - Checkmate!" With coordinates in hand, I went to that final cache and it was a snap to find. And since no one else had gotten all the parts of the puzzle yet, I was FTF to this one too!
Did two more caches after that, until the rain got too heavy. Then it was time for shopping (frozen dinners with curry in them, chocolate milk, and apples) and dinner. (the unusual usual)
Spot Our Egret2 (New Jersey )
Lincoln Park in Jersey City.
Shave and a Haircut (New Jersey)
Barbour Pond Park in Wayne.
Mate in One - J'Adoube (New Jersey )
Appelt Park in Bloomingdale.
Mate in One - Checkmate! (New Jersey)
Tom Grill Field in Pompton Lakes.
Max's Doggone Cache (New Jersey )
Dog park and soccer field in Parsippany.
Snack's Birthday Cache (New Jersey)
Near Rockaway River in Dover.