Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Spare a Square?

A hyperinflationary tale: According to this article, in Zimbabwe, a sheet of toilet paper costs $417. No, not a roll of toilet paper. Just one square! The smallest unit of paper currency in circulation there is the $500 bill. So if inflation gets any worse, they'd be better off wiping with the money.

Meanwhile, I just got an 8-pack of AA batteries and a stack of paper plates (proclaiming proudly on the wrapper that they're made from 100% paper!) for 48 cents at CVS. On a previous trip to CVS, I not only got a coupon for the batteries, but also $7 in CVS Extra Bucks. The latter is itself a mystery because I don't think I made enough purchases in the last few months to earn that much in Extra Bucks, but I won't question the CVS customer incentive system too much.

From fridayfiver:

1. How many siblings do you have?

2. Do you get along with your family?
Yes, mostly.

3. Think you look like anyone in your family?
Of course!

4. Do you want / do you have any children of your own?
We can't have any more children! Our population-dense civilization is predicated on the existence of cheap energy. This is unsustainable in the current post-peak oil era. So we would do better by curbing population growth now to prepare for energy shortages later. On the other hand, any slowdown in population growth is going to force the Social Security issue. So it truly is a dilemma.

5. Special plans for Mother's Day?
Phone call to home maybe? Except that I already did that earlier this month. Hmm.

From fridayfiver last week:

1. Have you ever been to Mexico?
Yes, but only for a short time in Tijuana.

2. Do you know anyone who is currently in the military?
Yes. A few.

3. What is the last party you attended?
Well, there was Louie's birthday bash last month.

4. What do you think about President Bush saying that the United States' National Anthem should only be sung in English?
Sure. It probably won't rhyme in another language and the meter may be a bit off.

5. French fries or freedom fries?
How about just "fries"?

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