Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

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The rest of Xmas Day

So I basically lazed around all day but isn't that what a holiday is for? After the ham lunch, I watched a Cowboy Bebop DVD and then fell asleep. Had a dream in which I was in a boat at the top of the reservoir that was full to the brim and had to open a spillway, which in this dam was just a small outlet in the wall.

Woke up and it was time for dinner so I reheated the remainder of the ham in the oven, ate more of it with some cranberry sauce while watching Anastasia. Carved up the leftover ham and saved it in tupperware for the next day.

It was still snowing.

Stayed up late to draw some comics and listen to the rebroadcast of Art Bell's interview with Mel of Mel's Hole. Based on the latest thread in the message board, that is a hoax but who is to say who's credible any more. By the way, the white block does not appear on TerraServer. If you want to look at the area, search for Ellensburg WA in TerraServer and zoom out a bit.

So that's all for the day.

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