Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Westchester and Monmouth

Pierson Park

Pretty good weather of about 80°F, with a drop to the low 70s in the evening. Had to run an errand this morning, which would explain why I went in two directions today. So I picked up a package and then zipped over to Tarrytown to bag an FTF. Then I went home to drop off the package and take care of a few matters. Then I had lunch in Paramus (Boston Market because I had coupons) before going on to get a bunch more geocaches down in Central Jersey and then Monmouth County. (which some consider to be also in Central Jersey) And that included another FTF at "The Amazing Disappearing Ramp", which was a surprise. Perhaps fewer geocachers live in the Freehold area?

Stopped at Wawa in Matawan on my way home to get green tea iced tea for the picnic. While I was there, I figured I might as well get gas (a bit cheaper than home) and dinner. (meatball hot-to-go bowl, Italian wedding soup, and a sundae)


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