Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Belmar gate

Printer ran out of toner so it was time to get another cartridge. This time though, I had some doubt as to whether I could get a $3 coupon for recycling the toner cartridge at Staples because since the last time I did this, they've put up notices saying that they'll only hand out the coupons for HP, Lexmark, and Dell cartridges. Although my printer is a HP, I was using a remanufactured Staples toner cartridge. So I asked the cashier and she told me that the remanufactured cartridge was eligible. Okay, great.

Checked my post office box and found KFC coupons in it. (a minor side benefit of having a P.O. Box. :) ) So I went to the Hillsdale KFC for lunch.

Didn't make it out to this geocaching event this evening because it's well over an hour of driving from my place and I'd have been quite late. In retrospect, I could've taken the afternoon off (because I still have quite a number of leave days for this year) and combined the event with a bunch of caches along the way and maybe even take care of some shopping enroute, but I didn't think of that. Maybe next time.

Finished the box of mooncakes. This mooncake with pineapple filling was the last one. Friday is the actual day of the mid-Autumn Festival, so if I check the Chinese supermarket next week, maybe I can get something that's on sale.

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