Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Wanna take a survey?

Schauble Memorial

Went and found the Leather Neck geocache this afternoon. It is at Schauble Park in Closter. It was a rainy day but the rain didn't start falling heavily until long after I was done. Anyway, this cache was just a matter of looking around the periphery of the bramble until I saw it, so it wasn't that difficult. I was the first to find, and apparently the only one to find it today because of the rain.

After that, since the Hillsdale KFC was on my way back, I got a 6-piece bucket using a coupon. No, I didn't eat it all in one go. Saved half of it for dinner.

Received another survey opportunity, this time for $25. I'll see how that goes in a few days when I get what I'm supposed to review.

On the other hand, Shoppers' Hotline is turning out to be a dud. I think the software and the scanner work fine, but they're just very disorganized at their end.

Office Max is still sending me coupons and discounts in the mail, not realizing that they've already closed all the stores that were in my area. The closest Office Max to me now is in Mohegan Lake, 30 miles away! Okay, never mind. Maybe I'll just keep the discount card in the car in case I see an Office Max when I travel.

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