Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

FurFright Day 2

Went out to Burger King for breakfast, although I really should've stayed in because when I got back, the parking garage was pretty packed. I parked on the back wall, making sure I didn't block anyone. Only in the evening, when a few parking spaces opened up, was I able to move the car to a proper space.

Then I went to the Masquerade Rehearsal in the ballroom. I was only in one skit this time: Riverdance Roverdance, by coyoty. Also in this skit were jbadger, wildw0lf, wally_wolf, kwisa.

After rehearsal, I went with wally_wabbit, wildw0lf, foxwell, coyoty, et al, for lunch at Papa Gino's. I had a tuna sub and a salad, while everyone else split a large pizza. After lunch, predictably there weren't any parking spaces left so we had to park at a parking lot away from the airport and take the shuttle bus back to the hotel.

Then I joined the fursuit parade down at the mezzanine level. We basically just went down the hallway, through the dealer's room, down the stairs, and out to the hotel entrance, where the photoshoot took place. After the parade, wally_wolf, kwisa, and I crashed a scrapbooking meet that was taking place in two meeting rooms at the lobby level of the hotel. That was fun and the scrapbookers seemed amused by our fursuit antics. One of them gave me a pawprint paper punch.

At around 6pm, I went down to the masquerade setup. After waiting our turn in the backstage area, we did the skit. Then waited some more until the end of the masquerade when everyone went on stage for the curtain call. After the masquerade, jbadger, runtt, silvermane, mejeep, and I ordered sushi delivery to the fursuit lounge. Too tired to join the dance so I just socialized for the rest of the evening.

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