Apparently, there wasn't much competition for FTF upstate as I was FTF on the first and last caches that I visited today. Maybe they too were waiting for the rain to stop. In addition to the caches on my list, I also went to the "Saugerties KOA" cache at a KOA campground. I didn't plan for that one but I was at a rest area and decided, on a whim, to enter the coordinates into my cell phone to find nearby cache listings. It's a nice campground, albeit a bit flooded from the rain.
Encountered another store clerk at the New Baltimore rest area who didn't understand postcard pricing. Same thing happened as the previous time at the Sloatsburg rest area. She punched in $1.35 for 3 cards instead of $1.25 and told me that it came out higher because of the sales tax. Oh, how I loathe the sales tax and the way store clerks use it to cover up their own incompetence. This time, I just didn't buy the cards. Also, why is the sales tax over 8% in upstate New York? There is nothing but miles and miles of countryside there!
I also recycled the worn-out UPS batteries early this afternoon.
Groundhog Day (New York)
New Paltz Stop N Shop (New York)
Saugerties KOA (New York)
Mile Post 127 ( NYS Thruway Rest Stop ) (New York)
Greg's Ride Time (New York)
Ulster Rest Area (New York)