Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Flying Husky Circus

Whee! Plush husky flies off the horseblock!

Yet another shot I got by accident. The story here is I was setting Plush Husky up on the marble horseblock in Hicksville on Sunday. The wind was very strong at that time so Plush Husky kept getting blown off the horseblock. Finally, I thought I'd gotten Plush Husky to stay put so I snapped a picture. At that exact moment, a gust of wind came by and so I caught it in mid-air! Actually, I didn't know I got this particular shot until I copied the pictures from the memory card later that evening.

On a different note, here are some pictures I took that were not by accident: FurFright 2006 photoset
Didn't get as many pictures this time around because most of the time, I was either in costume myself or not at the right place at the right time.

Not going to talk about geocaching or Where's George in this post, so how about some Bookcrossing? This book was just logged as found on Sunday. I left it at the Ramsey Train Station 11 months ago. So what I'm wondering is whether the book was actually sitting at the train station for 11 months or whether the finder picked it up a long time ago but only just got around to logging it at the Bookcrossing website.

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