Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Central Jersey with a topping of snow

Cold. The temperature hovered just below the freezing point most of the day and then went lower. After yesterday's snowfall, most of the wooded areas had a thin layer of snow on the ground. Snow would have been a problem only at one of the day's caches. The rest were above ground level. I was quite lucky with that one cache that was on the ground. It didn't take much poking before I heard the *thuk* sound of my hiking pole hitting a plastic container.

I figured out the parking location for "Somerville's First Cache", which Marko and I didn't attempt yesterday. Actually, it wasn't so much official parking as it was a bushwhack in from the strip mall parking lot across the street. I'm also glad that it took less than a minute to find "Take the time..." because by that time, it was quite cold.

After that, I got Asian pears and dinner in East Hanover.


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