Our designated changing room was what we later figured out to be the Women's Track and Field (Some letters were worn off, so it said "Rack and Fiel" on the door.) locker room. It was a fairly low-key event with a small crowd. We got to shoot some basketballs together with participants of the Hoop-A-Thon. I tried that both in costume and out of costume, and I actually got a few basketballs through the hoop, which wasn't bad considering that I've only played basketball once or twice in my life. Snacks and drinks were provided by sponsors of the event. There were some delicious (slices of) wraps from Wegmans.
After the gig, we went to the nearby Fontainbleau Diner in Piscataway. Their lunch specials were actually rather inexpensive compared to most diners I've seen. I had hot and spicy chicken on rice.
After that, we parted ways and I visited some geocaches in Central Jersey, including one that bordered the Rutgers campus. Went home and did the laundry, which didn't go so well because the washing machine apparently no longer does the spin cycle. So clothes came out from the wash wetter than usual. The first item in the washing machine was the fursuit and it retained a ridiculous amount of water. When I first took it out of the washing machine, I could actually tip it over and pour water out. Really! It's now drying in the bathroom next to an open window.
Another gig tomorrow. I'll use fursuit #2.
(Photos by Damian and I.)
R U Ready? (New Jersey)
Just Another Roosevelt Park Cache (New Jersey)
Don't Bogart that Cache My Friend (New Jersey)
Downtown/Main Street USA: Clark, NJ (New Jersey)
PAlegre1 (New Jersey)