Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Wilting in Wednesday Heat

Fort Stamford

The last few days were hot. There is a thunderstorm now so I hope it will be cooler tonight.

Finally got around to logging the last two geocaches from Sunday, which were Tri-State Treasures: Peter's Prodigious Panorama and Tri-State Treasures: Latus Rectum. Although the geocaches were available at the time of the picnic, the listings didn't show up online until last night. Of the two caches, the former, which was on top of the mountain at Elks Bros. Park in Port Jervis, was quite scenic. In order to get there, however, we had to drive up a narrow twisty road, which turned out to be a bit dangerous on the way out when we nearly ran into (in a bad way) with another group of geocachers coming around the bend.

I also logged benchmark LY2082 "A 347", which was behind a monument in a park in downtown Port Jervis. We stumbled across this benchmark while searching for a nearby geocache.

While browsing some local geocache listings, I came across this reviewer note saying that geocaches in Rockland County Parks require permits as of nearly two months ago. I have two geocaches in Rockland County, so I'll have to check this out. However, I believe those are in municipal, not county, parks and may therefore still be okay. It's unsettling the way government bodies just have to regulate everything. First, NY State started requiring geocache permits and now the county joins in. More bureaucracy gumming up the game for geocachers!

I've gotten to the point where I can't be sure whether Lake St. is supposed to be closed or not on a given day. It was closed on Monday, open on Tuesday, and closed again today. Maybe they're closing the road on alternate days while deciding when work should actually begin on putting those pipes in. So this afternoon, I had the opportunity to try the detour through the Upper Saddle River residential area both ways. Tactically, I think it's better to use Allendale Road to go to Ramsey and this detour to come back. That way, there aren't any difficult turns.

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