Looks like reviews that I post to Google Local do get attention. I was contacted by a restaurant owner about my complaint. It was a situation where I was mistreated by the restaurant manager, so... I'll see what happens next. I don't know why some service folks pick fights with me. I deal fairly. I may use coupons but in instances where the coupon was declined (happens a lot at Subway restaurants), I simply left without quarrel. It could be that they were having a rough time and I just happened to be there. In any case, they can't win because not only do they lose all future business from me, I also blog about it, talk about it, and add it to Google Local, where, knowing Google, the bad review may never truly disappear from the records.
Created some Flickr groups. The FA: United group is for photos from the convention. My photos are the only ones there currently, so it's not much of a group yet. Speaking of FA: United photos, hmm... scandalous. :) (Spir took that picture.)
The other Flickr group I created was Montvale, NJ. I thought there ought to be a gallery that I can use to show people what my hometown looks like. There still aren't a whole lot of photos on Flickr that show the town, but to my surprise, I discovered that most of the photos tagged "montvale" were posted by Footprints in the Sand, a local charity.
Today's excursions: First, I went to BUG BOX in Montville. The location is a country store, possibly with pony rides on the weekends. The geocache was in plain sight on the front porch, but the cache placer had permission from the property owner, so it's okay. I also went to Diagon Alley in Montclair. This is a weird spot for a geocache. It's a narrow pedestrian/bike path between houses.