Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

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Who wants

Back in the year 2000, I was interested in acquiring some short domain names so I wrote a Perl script to search Internic domain space. I found two consecutive unregistered domains, and, and so I registered them. Back then, I pointed the two domains to a simple webpage containing links to the websites I used most frequently. My reasoning was with PDA browsers, public net terminals, cell phones and other devices where character input is slow or tedious, it would be easier to enter a short URL and then follow a link than to enter the website URLs themselves.

I think that idea still has merit so I may set up those domains again one day.

Anyway, I was curious to see how many short domain names are still available so I updated the script. The rules have changed a little. Queries for .org domains now have to go to PIR instead of Internic.

#!perl -w
# Search for unregistered domains.
# Usage: perl <where to start searching>
# e.g. perl aaa
# will check,,, and so on
# The search string cycles from 'a' to 'z' and then from '0' to '9'.

use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::File;
use Carp;

    my $pir_addr;
    my $nic_addr;

    sub getaddr {
	my $name = shift;
	my $a = gethostbyname $name 
	    or croak "Can't get address of server $name: $!\n";

    # Query the domain registry. For now, it only uses PIR for .org and
    # Internic for .com and .net.
    sub whois {
	my $dom = shift;
	my $server_addr = ($dom =~ /\.org$/i) ? $pir_addr : $nic_addr;

	my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $server_addr,
					 PeerPort => 'whois',
					 Proto => 'tcp')
	    or croak "Can't connect to $server_addr: $@";

	print $sock "$dom\x0d\x0a";
	my $out;
	    local $/; $out = <$sock>;
	$out or croak "No data returned from server";
    $pir_addr = getaddr '';
    $nic_addr = getaddr '';

# Cycle through all the letters and digits. Returns the next character
# after this one.
sub incrchar {
    my $c = shift;

    if (ord($c) >= ord('a') and ord($c) < ord('z')) {
	$c = chr(ord($c) + 1);
    elsif ($c eq 'z') {
	$c = '0';
    elsif (ord($c) >= ord('0') and ord($c) < ord('9')) {
	$c = chr(ord($c) + 1);
    elsif ($c eq '9') {
	$c = 'a';

# Increments a string with "carry".
sub increment {
    my $index;
    my $str = shift;

    for ($index = length($$str) - 1; $index >= 0; --$index) {
	my $c = substr($$str, $index, 1);
	$c = incrchar $c;
	substr($$str, $index, 1) = $c;
	# If incrchar has wrapped back to 'a', we have to carry one to the
	# character to the left.
	last if $c ne 'a';
    return undef if $index < 0;

my $str = 'aaa';
if (@ARGV) {
    $str = lc shift;

do {
    for my $tld ('.com', '.net', '.org') {
	my $dom = "$str$tld";
	my $text = whois $dom;

	print "Checking $dom...\r";

	# This will break very badly if domain registries change the output
	# format. Currently, PIR returns the former and Internic returns
	# the latter for unregistered domains.
	if ($text =~ /NOT FOUND/ or $text =~ /No match for/) {
	    print "$dom is available\n";
    sleep 1;
} while (increment \$str);


So what's still available? Based on what I've searched so far, there are some 4-character .com domains available. If you want something that is 3 characters, you will have to go with .net or .org. There are no 2-character domains available in .com, .net or .org.


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