Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

LIGO Breakfast and UCPN Festival of Trees

I had a choice of Friday, Saturday, or Sunday to do a mascot gig with Hi-4 for the UCPN Festival of Trees on Long Island. Since there was a geocaching breakfast event on Saturday, I chose the Saturday gig so that I can combine the two events and make it worth paying the bridge tolls.

So I woke up early this morning (temperature was about 23°F) and headed out to the Lynbrook Diner for the 2nd Not So Annual LIGO Breakfast Event. I thought it was a good event. We had visitors from afar, including someone from Groundspeak headquarters who was kind enough to give us all some Groundspeak geocoins. I had eggs and bacon on toasted English muffin.

After the geocaching event, I had time for a bit of geocaching before the gig. So I went and found Pirates of the Merokian in South Merrick and Physical phenomenon multi in Levittown. Experience really helped with the latter geocache. Although both stages were tricky, I had seen both hiding techniques before so I figured those out very quickly.

After that, I headed over to the Mariott in Uniondale for the Festival of Trees. Met up with Damian K and flykat there, and with jbadger a bit later. Only flykat and I were in costume this time around so we weren't a big group. I thought it was a decent crowd. The kids in the choir group were especially spirited.

After the gig, we went to Colony Diner in nearby East Meadow for an early dinner. I had the chicken gyro platter.

Some photos from the gig below. Thanks to Damian K. for the photography.

Tags: festival of trees, fursuit, geocaching, geocaching event, long island, long island mariott, mascot gig, ucpn

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