Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

A walk on the slippery rocks

Mr. Squarepant's tag

I only had to do 2 geocaches today to get to the next hundreds milestone. (7200 finds) Well, that was over and done rather quickly so I thought I'd take on some challenges for the rest of the day. The one I wanted to do was "Line Me Up II" at Waterfront Beach. Unless you have a boat, that geocache is accessible only at low tide because it is 500 feet out into the sea on a small rocky island, connected to the beach only by a rock berm that is below water most of the time. When I got there early in the afternoon, I saw that the tide was still too high. I checked the tide table on my cell phone and saw that low tide was half an hour before sunset. Perfect! That meant I had time to do a few geocaches and then come back and make this one the last one of the day.

To fill the time, I picked "Swimming River Hostel" and "Geocache Island". Both were long walks, at least the way I did them. There may be shorter approaches. Went back to "Line Me Up II" shortly after 3pm. By that time, the tide had already gone down enough to reveal the rock berm. The rocks, however, were wet and mostly covered in slime, so they were very slippery. So I went from rock to rock slowly and got to the end and back without slipping too much.

After that, I did some banking in Edison. (I used Google Maps Mobile to locate a Commerce Bank branch.) Then I went to Hometown Buffet in Edison. It's in the same family of restaurants as Old Country Buffet so the food is the same. I had my fill of fried fish and a few other things and finished up with cheesecake, pie, and coffee with ice cream mixed in.

Tags: geocaching, hometown buffet, monmouth county

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