Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

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It's Monday. I'm Friday... eating a Sundae

Heard on the Savage Nation that Vitamin B6 improves dream recall. That's something to try. Time to visit the neighborhood 24-hour drugstore.

As a result of rising temperatures, the roads were covered in a thin layer of salt and mud. So after the weekend's trip, both sides of my car aren't even the correct color any more. :) I'll get it washed Wednesday evening after the oil change.

Caught about 15 minutes of the new Dragnet last night. Isn't that the guy from Married With Children as Detective Friday? At any moment, I expected him to sit down on a sofa in front of the TV and stick his hand in his pants. Maybe there'll be an episode in which he goes undercover as a women's shoe salesman. :)

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