Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox


Hutchinson River

Ever had one of those days when you dream about something and then you wake up and go and do it? Yes, it was surreal.

46°F and sunny. After finding one new geocache in nearby Ramsey, I crossed the Tappan Zee Bridge to Westchester to do a bunch more. I thought it would be good weather for walking a bit more, so I started in Northern Westchester (the portion of the county North of I-287) and hiked some of its rolling hills. Then I bagged a bunch of quick geocaches in Southern Westchester. I'm surprised that there were so many new geocaches to find. Looks like cache placement activity there has picked up a bit.

My phone case broke. Since I was passing Palisades Center on my way home, I thought about dropping in to get a replacement phone case. Saturday is a busy day at the mall, so I was only going to go in if I could find a parking space easily. Well, surprise! It was easy to find a parking space. I guess Easter weekend is not a shopping weekend. Checked Best Buy, but they might as well be Worst Buy with those prices. Staples and the Sprint store weren't any better. Only Target had a phone case at a reasonable price. (a little more than what I paid an Amazon seller for that first case. Best Buy, etc, would go out of business if everyone found out about Amazon seller prices.)

After that, I had some chicken stuff from Panda Express at the mall food court.

Tags: geocaching, palisades center, panda express, phone case, target, westchester

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