Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Long Island

Cooler day than yesterday. 60°F and cloudy. Went to Long Island to visit a bunch of new geocaches that popped up during the week and to finish a group of geocaches just beyond Smithtown.

It was a day for running into other geocachers. At "Alley Micro Series 8 - Levittown-N", I ran into Bayonets4u and WRR who were already searching. We all had trouble with this one and didn't find it because, as I found out later, coordinates were over 50 feet off. Then I met up with Bayonets4u and WRR again at "Alley Micro Series 10- Bellmore Bowl", which was another head-scratcher. This time though, we found it.

Later in the day, I ran into more geocachers at "Village Picnic". I found that cache and then I went to the museum to use the restroom and wash the dirt off my hands. (I had to poke in the dirt for that cache.) As I was driving out of the park, I saw some people searching, not quite at the cache site but a bit off. So I stopped and asked if they were geocaching. Indeed they were and so I finally met Team StarBow1er. Since they were not on the right track, I gave them a hint on where to look. I also asked them about "Alley Micro Series 8" and they told me where to check for the cache. Of course, I was already quite some distance past that cache so I didn't go back and do it right away. But after doing the rest of the caches on the list, I turned around and visited "Alley Micro Series 8" on my way to dinner. Using StarBow1er's description of the cache hide, it was a snap to find it, even in the dark.

Dinner was at Sentosa in Flushing. I had nasi lemak and curry young tofu. It's funny that this is what I'd been looking forward to all week long. Don't ever get hooked on curry or you'll be there every weekend too. :) That part of Queens isn't bad after 9pm on Sunday either. The crowd and traffic diminish after most of the stores close for the night and that makes it easy to drive around there.

Tags: flushing, geocaching, long island, sentosa

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