Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Poconos and Trout Trails

Another hot day but it rained late in the afternoon. I went to the Pocono Mountains area. I was interested in seeking the "Trout Trails & Tales" series of geocaches that latitude55 had placed. Each Trout Trails geocache is near one of 15 decorated trout sculptures. I was a little disappointed, however, that I wasn't able to see some of the trout sculptures. These sculptures are movable and at some locations, they store the sculptures away when the place closes for the day or for the weekend.

Late in the afternoon, they kept cutting into the local radio station with a weather emergency warning. According to the warning, there was going to be penny-sized hail, strong winds, and heavy rain. They also advised to stay inside a strong building and away from the window. Perhaps the warning was more dire than it had to be. In fact, I saw only the heavy rain and that came later in the evening. Nevertheless, I was a little concerned about the potential for floods, so I traveled further up the highlands. Then, when the heavy rain started, I had an early dinner at KFC/LJS in Mt. Pocono. It took less than an hour for the rain to slow to a drizzle, so I tacked on 4 more quick geocaches before heading home.

Heard two people complaining about inflation today. When I was at Turkey Hill in Stroudsburg, the cashier asked "Why does everything take money?" I was going to explain how money arose as a medium of exchange to improve upon barter when I realized he probably meant "Why does everything take so much money?" Okay... Later, at KFC/LJS in Mt. Pocono, the guy ahead of me ordered a bunch of items and his total came up to $27.91. He asked "Why is it so much?" See? It doesn't matter that Bernanke is in denial. People can clearly see that there is inflation -- serious inflation -- going on and it's only a matter of time before they start burning Federal Reserve Chairman effigies. (if they can still afford the kerosene to start the fire, that is)

Tags: geocaching, heavy rain, inflation, ljs, poconos, stroudsburg, trout trails, weather warning

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