Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Long Island

Ended the long weekend with a trip to Long Island. Sunday was actually the best of the three days. Although it was cloudy all day long, there was no rain. Temperatures were 75 to 80°F.

Even though I started late, I got 19 geocaches. I hadn't been to LI in 3 weeks so there were many new ones, mostly easy. The only problem I encountered was with Sarges' First Cache, which had already gone missing. I had a little chat with the neighbor whose house was next door from the cache site. He already knew about it from watching other geocachers go for it and he verified that it was missing.

I was surprised that I didn't encounter any traffic delays at all the whole day. If people were traveling for the holiday weekend, Sunday evening would be when they'd choke the highways returning home, but I saw none of that happening. Maybe the 4th of July is not an occasion for travel. Or maybe after a few weeks at the $4.30 level (average for 87-octane gasoline on Long Island), high gas prices finally triggered some travel cutbacks.

Dinner was at Sentosa in Flushing Chinatown. I had seafood crispy noodle and roti telur. I noticed that the Queens Crossing folks finally unwrapped this sculpture to reveal this, which doesn't look that much different from its wrapped state. :) I read the plaque and it symbolizes heaven (vertical donut), earth (horizontal donut), and infinity. (the two donuts together as the infinity symbol)

Tags: donut sculpture, flushing chinatown, geocaching, long island, queens crossing, sentosa

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