Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

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No Event. Snow.

Today is the day of the NJ/PA CACHERS GET TOGETHER but as you can see on the cache event page, it has been postponed. I got to within 8 miles of that Burger King in Florence but turned back because I encountered the Wall of Snow. There was a sharp delineation between the heavy snow area and the no snow area. If you're driving South on the Turnpike, one minute you have a bit of granular snow and the next minute, you're in the thick of fluffy white stuff. Weird. It still hasn't snowed yet here in North Jersey.

Anyway, I got up early this morning but not as early as yesterday so I had time to pick up two caches in Central Jersey before heading to South Jersey. First was Magoo's Missing Money in Piscataway. Very short walk just across a small field from the picnic area. I can believe this would be a difficult cache to find for some but I knew what to expect and had some experience with this kind of hide. Quick and easy.

Second stop was Wrestling roots in Highland Park. I'd been here before but there was too much snow. Not so today. The incline has a Southern exposure so the snow had pretty much gone away. (but not for long) So it didn't take long to see where the cache would be hidden. It's hard to hide a cache so that it looks completely natural. There are often tell-tale signs. Too many branches piled up in one spot. Rocks that don't sit the way they would if they just fell there. Big lump under the leaves. Got the Two Dog Barkalot travel bug from this cache.

Then, of course, I headed South on the Turnpike, encountered the Wall of Snow, came back to North Jersey and bought both lunch and dinner. And now, it's a lazy Sunday.

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