Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

NNJC Monthly Event

Lambert Castle

This afternoon, I went to Lambert Castle in Paterson for the On The LAMbert geocache. It was a simple and quick geocache, but I remember this area as the place where I made a wrong turn into once while on my way to Garrett Mountain.

In the evening, I visited the I'm Not Common geocache at a strip mall parking lot in Parsippany. Then I attended the NNJC - "First Monday" Monthly Meet & Greet geocaching event at Fuddruckers, also in Parsippany. There was a decent turnout for the event. I had a 1/3-lb burger with brownie. This particular Fuddruckers offers unlimited fries so I had another serving, and another one. Then I had to stop because I was full. Unlike that other Fuddruckers in New Brunswick, this one doesn't have a seafood platter. I miss that.

I didn't stay until the end of the event but unfortunately, I was still a bit too late to shop at Micro Center in Paterson. They closed at 9pm.
Tags: fuddruckers, geocaching, geocaching event, parsippany, paterson

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