Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

PBCD North Jersey

DeKorte Park

Saturday was a cold day with temperatures between 26°F and 34°F. It was windy too, which didn't help matters. So it probably wasn't a good idea to take a walk out on an exposed trail across a swamp. It wasn't too bad once I got going though. After I was done with De Korte Park, I continued to Eagle Rock, and then West Essex Park, where I ran into KBer, another diehard cold-weather geocacher. There, the cold weather worked to my advantage. All the mud and puddles in that swamp were frozen so I could walk straight to the cache site without getting muddy. Finished the day with a quick cache a few miles west of Morristown.

No out-of-pocket expenses today because I used reward points for everything. I used the gas reward to fill the tank and I used the Shoppers' Hotline reward to get dinner and groceries at the Chinese Supermarket in River Edge.

Tags: exxon card, geocaching, kber, king fung, north jersey, shoppers hotline

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