Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Delaware III - Day 2

Sunny. 46-50°F. First thing I did today was to go to the New Castle Court House Museum. There was a geocache in the building, of course, but I stayed for the tour and learnt a thing or two about William Penn, Peter Stuyvesant, Thomas West (Baron De La Warr, after whom Delaware was named), and the Hunn-Garrett Trials.

After that, I got a bunch of geocaches along the rail trail in New Castle. Then I went to northwest and north Wilmington for a bunch more geocaches until the evening. Dinner was a turkey minis with salad bar combo at Ruby Tuesday in Concord Mall. I was going to get the salad bar as an entree but it was only a dollar more to add the turkey minis and fries so it wasn't a bad deal.

Tags: delaware, geocaching, new castle, ruby tuesday, wilmington

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