Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Writer's Block: Shops Gone By

Woolworths shut its doors in the U.K. last week, sending many into a frenzy of nostalgia and bargain shopping. What now-closed store or chain do you wish was still open?

I started thinking about some of the long-gone chains and stores but then I realized that I don't really miss most of those. There were reasons why they went out of business and poor customer service frequently played a part in it.

When I went to Columbia University, I would go to the College Inn Diner one night a week (I think it was Thursday) for their lamb stew. They closed up and then became a coffee house during my last year of college. So yes, I missed them but for just that year. After graduation, I had to leave the city anyway.

I used to go to Virginia Beach once a year to vacation and to shop at Things Unlimited, probably the best thrift store in that area. They were particular strong in costuming supplies and that's where I got the unicorn costume. In 2003, they closed down. I heard they reopened under new management later on but weren't as good as before, so I didn't bother going back.

And yes, I miss Woolworths too. I shopped there a lot when I first arrived at college because one of their stores was just six blocks from the dorm. I was also there for their closing down sale in 1993.
Tags: stores, woolworths, writer's block

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