I wasn't in time for Long John Silver's in Easton, so dinner was at Ruby Tuesday in Bethlehem. (just off Route 33) I had a chicken and broccoli quiche with salad bar.
9989 geocaches found. 11 to go.
Scooby: The Spirits of '76 #5 (Pennsylvania)
A Call For Help (Pennsylvania)
Scooby: The Spirits of '76 #9 (Pennsylvania)
Scooby: The Spirits of '76 #10 (Pennsylvania)
Scooby: The Spirits of '76 #3 (Pennsylvania)
Scooby: The Spirits of '76 #4 (Pennsylvania)
Scooby: The Spirits of '76 #2 (Pennsylvania)
Park and Ride - Almost I (Pennsylvania)
F/2 Beach Patrol (Pennsylvania)
What a micro (Pennsylvania)
Minsi Bridge Micro (Pennsylvania)
Down By The River, Additionally! (Pennsylvania)
Down By The River, Once More! (Pennsylvania)
Park n Walk Cache (Pennsylvania)
How Lowe Can You Go I (Pennsylvania)
Another Township Park Micro (Pennsylvania)
Hillcrest Cache (Pennsylvania)
Sammy's Path (Pennsylvania)
CJ's "Innovation Station" (Pennsylvania)
Catch and Release Travel Bug Hotel (Pennsylvania)
Scooby and the Spooky Case of the Grand Prix Race (Pennsylvania)