Morton Fox (mortonfox) wrote,
Morton Fox

Long Island

Cloudy. 63-70°F. It looked like it was going to rain all day long but it didn't rain until the evening, and even then, the rain didn't last long. I went out to Long Island to find all the new geocaches placed within the last few weeks. I headed out eastwards on the northern half first, turned around, and came back along the southern half. Most of the caches were pretty standard hides. "I lost my marbles" was a little strange because it was less than 100 feet from the final stage of an older cache. I saw the older cache first and it looked like someone signed that log book by mistake.

Someone ran a red light in downtown Oyster Bay. Good thing I was slow to enter the intersection. A collision would've ruined the day, no doubt.

Went to Flushing Center in the evening for dinner. I had curry mee with stuffed vegetables and roti canai with egg at Curry Leaves. I think the former is their best dish. I came to that conclusion after trying most of the items on their menu. It's tough to beat something that has curry, crispy fried bean curd, and fish. On this trip, I also did a bit of shopping on Roosevelt Avenue and got a bulk discount from the sweet bean curd lady.

Tags: curry leaves, flushing chinatown, geocaching, long island

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